a Life SavEd OUR MISSION: Be The Match saves lives every day by connecting the world’s most diverse registry of donors (22 million!) with patients who are a genetic match. WITH BE THE MATCH ®
Natalie was a senior when her Dad, Scott, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. He was so sick that sadly Scott couldn’t attend Natalie’s high school graduation. Last Fall, Natalie set up a fundraising page, raised over $12,000 and got all her friends to be swabbed for the registry in honor of her Dad’s bone marrow Birthday! Now in college, Natalie is sharing her experience and continuing to get others involved in this life-saving mission. NATALIE : SUPER-STAR STUDENT FUNDRAISER!
After finding my donor, Be the Match gave me hope to keep living…And it worked!
I would say, ‘Do it—it truly saves lives.’ I can’t think of a better cause. — Scott, blood stem cell transplant recipient, shown here with his nurse, Carrie
Scott Brock is a survivor of many things, but most importantly a survivor of three years of cancer. He has never once let this change his attitude or how he viewed life. Through his whole process he was smiling and laughing and would tell everyone that it was nothing just a little “stumble” in life. He was first diagnosed with stage 4 Non- Hodgkin Lymphoma in 2018. After initial treatment and relapse, Scott prepared for a bone marrow transplant from an anonymous donor. “This is when Be The Match was introduced to us; what a blessing!” My family and I are forever grateful to Be The Match and to this stranger that we hope to meet and thank one day. Thank you HOSA for your incredible efforts this year in both recruitment and fundraising for Be The Match. Because of the efforts of people like you, patients like Scott are able to have a cure.
—Natalie (right), with her Dad, Scott
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